Offensive player wins if he scores a basket, if he is fouled, if he gets the rebound. Defensive player wins if he steals the ball, if he gets the rebound, if the ball goes out of bounds. Who wins the action starts on offense the next one, who loses goes back in line. The next player in line is the next defender.
Goals: - The offense got the advantage. - Defense recover on the shot. - The offense read the situation on the penetration. - Defenso works to recover.
Two lines of players on the baseline. The first player of one line with the ball the other one without the ball - if nedeed the other players in the lineare ready to pass the ball.
1C1 SPRINT Offense n.1 with ball and the defender X1 on the baseline next each other, the offense on the side of the corner; two cones in front of them outside the three points line. The cone of the defense it is a little bit ahead to give a little advantage to the offense.
The offense start the dribble, run around the cone in front of him (from outside) and he attack the rim; the defender start to play when the offense makes the first dribble and try to recover. It is important to practice on this drill on both the sides of the court.
1VS1 BULLDOG This drill teaches lose ball skills, aggressiveness and one-on-one skills.
The Assistant stands under the basket and has his team break into two lines (one on each side). He pass the ball down the middle of the court and the first player from each line race to the ball. No rules - players are encouraged to get on the floor and sell out to get the ball. Once one player gets the ball they play one-on-one back to the basket. If a player loses the race and gets scored on he runs a full suicide.
SETUP: two teams, one on offense and one on defense. Players on offense form a line in a corner. Four players (X1, X2, X3 and X4) are inside of the court, on the same side of players with the ball. The other defenders are in line.
DESCRIPTION: 1 starts his dribbling staying in his "corridor" (from the sideline to the line hoop-hoop) and faces X1, X2, X3 and X4 in sequence. The four defenders play defense in their 1/4 court: X1 from the baseline to the foul line extended, X2 from the foul line extended to half court, X3 from half court to the other foul line extended, X4 in the last 1/4 court. When the action is over all defenders rotate by one position: X4 comes back in line and X5 comes in, replacing X1 position.
1VS1 L CUT Players start on the blocks. Defense can move on the offenses movement. Both players must run and touch the elbow. The offensive player L cuts out to the wing and receives a pass and the players play 1vs1.
1VS1 FOSTERS x1 begins with the ball and tosses it to 1. 1 catches the ball and dribbles around the cone at the top of the key. Immediately after passing x1 sprints around whatever wing they choose and then tries to defend 1 as he attacks the rim.
SETUP: two players with the ball at elbows, 3 players on the baseline.
GOAL: passing, overload play.
DESCRIPTION: X1 and X2 run the court passing the ball each other, no dribble. 1, 2 and 3 run after them and try to steal the ball. On the way back, 1, 2 and 3 are on offense, X1 and X2 on defense. The drill goes on until players score 2 baskets.
SETUP: you need 11 players at least. 3 players (1, 2 and 3) are on offense with a ball, two players are on defense (8 and 9) in the same court, two players are on defense in the other half court (10, 11). The other four players are ready to receive the outlet pass on the sideline, staying outside of the court on foul line extended.
GOAL: playing in outnumber.
DESCRIPTION: it’s a 3 on 2 in continuity. When a defender takes the ball, he attacks the other basket with the two players outside ready of the outlet pass. After every action, the 3 players on offense and the defender who didn’t catch the ball split: two stay on defense and the other two go to the line to take the next outlet pass.
If offense scores a basket, all five players can take the rebound and start the new action with the players on the sideline.
SETUP: form two teams of 4 players. Players are set near half court facing each other. They start doing some footwork on their spot. Coach with a ball is at half court near the sideline.
GOAL: fast break, quickness, readiness.
DESCRIPTION: Coach passes the ball to one player, his choice. As soon as the player gets the ball, his team plays on offense, attacking the basket in front of them. The other team is on defense. The defender of the player who got the ball has to touch the spot where man started before, he can play defense. When defense get the ball, they play another action, attacking the opposite basket.
GAME: play to a certain score. Coach switches the team who receive the ball from his pass on each action.
SETUP: 1 line of players on the base- line, the Coach is on the wing on the same side, one passer (player 2) on the other wing.
GOAL: post moves, pivoting, finishing.
DESCRIPTION: player 1 passes to the Coach and posts up, gets the ball back, faces the basket using inside pivot (left foot), attacks the middle, makes a spin move and finishes at the rim.
SETUP: players are divided in two te- ams: team A is split in two lines (one line with the ball, one line without the ball) in the corners at halfcourt.
GOAL: playing in outnumber.
DESCRIPTION: 1 and 2 attack the basket against X1. When X1 gets he ball, he attacks opposite with X2 and X3. 1 and 2 play defense in the second action. When the game is over, all players come back to the lines of their team, switching side.
GAME: play a game to 6 baskets. At the end of the game, repeat it switching teams starting on offense/defense. To have a drill more realistic, you can add some rules: 1 and 2 can do only 1 pass before every shot. X1, X2 and X3 have 6 seconds to take a shot.
CORRECTIONS: the player with the ball must drive to the basket strongly. He passes the ball to his team mates only if X1 is helping with his chest on the line of penetration.
Offensive player wins if he scores a basket, if he is fouled, if he gets the rebound. Defensive player wins if he steals the ball, if he gets the rebound, if the ball goes out of bounds. Who wins the action starts on offense the next one, who loses goes back in line. The next player in line is the next defender.
SETUP: two teams, one on offense and one on defense. Players on offense form a line in a corner. Four players (X1, X2, X3 and X4) are inside of the court, on the same side of players with the ball. The other defenders are in line.
DESCRIPTION: 1 starts his dribbling staying in his "corridor" (from the sideline to the line hoop-hoop) and faces X1, X2, X3 and X4 in sequence. The four defenders play defense in their 1/4 court: X1 from the baseline to the foul line extended, X2 from the foul line extended to half court, X3 from half court to the other foul line extended, X4 in the last 1/4 court. When the action is over all defenders rotate by one position: X4 comes back in line and X5 comes in, replacing X1 position.
SETUP: two players with the ball at elbows, 3 players on the baseline.
GOAL: passing, overload play.
DESCRIPTION: X1 and X2 run the court passing the ball each other, no dribble. 1, 2 and 3 run after them and try to steal the ball. On the way back, 1, 2 and 3 are on offense, X1 and X2 on defense. The drill goes on until players score 2 baskets.
SETUP: you need 11 players at least. 3 players (1, 2 and 3) are on offense with a ball, two players are on defense (8 and 9) in the same court, two players are on defense in the other half court (10, 11). The other four players are ready to receive the outlet pass on the sideline, staying outside of the court on foul line extended.
GOAL: playing in outnumber.
DESCRIPTION: it’s a 3 on 2 in continuity. When a defender takes the ball, he attacks the other basket with the two players outside ready of the outlet pass. After every action, the 3 players on offense and the defender who didn’t catch the ball split: two stay on defense and the other two go to the line to take the next outlet pass.
If offense scores a basket, all five players can take the rebound and start the new action with the players on the sideline.
SETUP: form two teams of 4 players. Players are set near half court facing each other. They start doing some footwork on their spot. Coach with a ball is at half court near the sideline.
GOAL: fast break, quickness, readiness.
DESCRIPTION: Coach passes the ball to one player, his choice. As soon as the player gets the ball, his team plays on offense, attacking the basket in front of them. The other team is on defense. The defender of the player who got the ball has to touch the spot where man started before, he can play defense. When defense get the ball, they play another action, attacking the opposite basket.
GAME: play to a certain score. Coach switches the team who receive the ball from his pass on each action.
1C1 SPRINT Offense n.1 with ball and the defender X1 on the baseline next each other, the offense on the side of the corner; two cones in front of them outside the three points line. The cone of the defense it is a little bit ahead to give a little advantage to the offense.
The offense start the dribble, run around the cone in front of him (from outside) and he attack the rim; the defender start to play when the offense makes the first dribble and try to recover. It is important to practice on this drill on both the sides of the court.
SETUP: 1 line of players on the base- line, the Coach is on the wing on the same side, one passer (player 2) on the other wing.
GOAL: post moves, pivoting, finishing.
DESCRIPTION: player 1 passes to the Coach and posts up, gets the ball back, faces the basket using inside pivot (left foot), attacks the middle, makes a spin move and finishes at the rim.